Chris' Linkjockey blog links to unique, fantastic sites on the web that you haven't seen before.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Download Chris' 2009 Annual Compilation Album

I've put together a CD of my favourite music from 2009. As usual, my hope is that it introduces my friends to new music. You might not like all of it, but I hope that you fall in love with some of the tracks. The 2009 album is called "Get It Right."

Download the free mp3s with the following links for the next week:
Get It Right - The 2oo9 Compilation: part 1 (SendUIt link)
Get It Right - The 2oo9 Compilation: part 2 (SendUIt link)

The mp3s are in .zip files, and will need to be extracted. Whether you are on Mac or PC, double-clicking the file should be the first step in the right direction. Copy the songs into a new playlist in iTunes, and then you can burn a cd or transfer to your iPod. Most of the tracks come from free podcasts.

I do appreciate hearing from people when they enjoy these annual compilations, so drop me a line if you like this one. Over the next few days, I'll put some of the extra tracks online for download as well.

Happy New Year, and all the best wishes for 2010!!!

Monday, December 28, 2009

Inspired Bicycles - Danny MacAskill (YouTube)

Brilliant, brilliant bicycle stunts.

The New York Times compares Danny MacAskill to Susan Boyle in the way that YouTube has changed their lives. After reading the article, I had to see the video and was amazed at the incredible tricks. This is the current "must see" YouTube sensation.

Scottish Cyclist MacAskill Rides Stunts To Fame

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Darth Vadar opens Wall Street

The Dark Lord opened the New York Stock Exchange today. YouTube video.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Photo: Nancy Reagan sitting on Santa's (Mr. T) lap

From 1983, U.S. First Lady Nancy Regan sitting on lap of actor Mr. T who dressed as Santa Claus, seated in front of Christmas tree. Reagan kisses Mr. T's forehead.
Thank you wikipedia.

Will Big Business Save the Earth? By JARED DIAMOND

Will Big Business Save the Earth? NY Times

At the time of the Copenhagen talks, it's important to consider ways
to fight climate change. Jared Diamond is a real expert in climate
science, and his insights offer a clear way forward.

Monday, December 14, 2009

DIY Solar Moon Lights

Create Your Own Sun Jar: Lifehacker

This looks like just the coolest project!  Making a coloured, solar moon light with mason jars.  
I'm thinking that this would be awesome to do at Camp next summer.

Merry Christmas from BC Hydro

Happy Holidays from BC Hydro

    Once again, BC Hydro is proud to support the BC Hydro Power Pioneers’ Miracle Million Campaign. This year, BC Hydro will be donating up to $25,000 to BC Children’s Hospital Foundation in support of the Power Pioneers’ Miracle Million Campaign. And through our holiday e-card we will be encouraging others to do the same.

    Each time our holiday card is enjoyed, we will make a donation (up to $25,000) to BC Children’s Hospital to help create a better future for children. Over the last two years our award-winning e-card has resulted in over 2 million “coin drops”.

    This year’s e-card involves a simple and enjoyable game. To view your e-card, click the following link. If that doesn’t work, simply copy and paste the link into a new browser window.

    Happy Holidays!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Photos of Chinese development in Africa

NY Times Lens Blog:  Asian Crossroads in Africa


The New York Times’ photography blog has a sample of photos from Paolo Woods’s book “China Safari: On the Trail of Beijing’s Expansion in Africa