Chris' Linkjockey blog links to unique, fantastic sites on the web that you haven't seen before.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

New Lego models with old Lego pieces

It's the coolest website you'll visit all day.  Enter in the Lego code for the sets of Lego that you have, and the website will tell you what other models you can build.  It also has the diagrams for the other sets.

I'm sure my Lego-fiend nephew would love this!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Final descent

Landings at San Diego Int Airport Nov 23, 2012 - 4.5 hours of plane landings in 30 seconds. 

Heathrow Approach Planes lining up on approach to London Heathrow at 17x speed. Strangely hypnotic. 

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Lego Crafts

I have a certain nephew that I think would love these projects.  Some are food and some are crafts with Lego.
Pretty cool!