Chris' Linkjockey blog links to unique, fantastic sites on the web that you haven't seen before.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

U2's manager on the state of the music industry

‘The Online Bonanza: Who is making all the money and why aren’t they sharing it?’
U2's long-time manager, Paul McGuinness, gave a speech to the MIDEM's music industry conference in Cannes. While I'm normally pretty cynical when I hear people in the music industry talking about the sad state of affairs, I have a lot of respect for U2 and their manager.

It turns out that "free music" is not an idea that satisfies everyone. If you're curious about the future of music (or more specifically, the business of music), some of the answers might come from the ideas that Mr. McGuinness presents here.

Is the Tipping Point Toast?

Is the Tipping Point Toast?
Apparently Malcolm Gladwell's idea that a category of influential people are responsible for creating trends may not be true after all. An article by Clive Thompson from Fast Company.

Today's Link from Guy Kawasaki

Record an album in 29 days, just because you can.

The RPM Challenge

The challenge is for musicians (of all kinds) to record an album during the month of February 2008. In the 07 RPM Challenge, over 850 albums were produced and are available for listening on their Jukebox.
Link courtesy of Slashdot.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Google Maps video

It's astonishing how detailed Google Maps are. In this YouTube video, Google Maps go too far...

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Dub Extremist


Links-a-plenty from Metafilter on Jah Shaka, a top old-school reggae dj from London, UK.

Friday, January 18, 2008

‘Google Generation’ is a myth

Pioneering research shows ‘Google Generation’ is a myth
The British Library has a report on a study that shows that impatience in search and navigation, and zero tolerance for any delay in satisfying their information needs – are now becoming the norm for all age-groups, from younger pupils and undergraduates through to professors.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Vancouver's Best Festival

Dine Out Vancouver - 2008
Although Dine Out Vancouver isn't normally described as a "festival", this annual event is my favourite cultural celebration. For 2008, Dine Out Vancouver has over 180 restaurants in the Greater Vancouver area are offering a selection of 3-course meals for a fixed price of either $15, $25 or $35. The menus are posted online, and have suggested pairings of BC wines.

For most of these restaurants are offering meals at a much lower price point than usual, so you get the chance to go for the eating spots with the best menu or the most buzz. Booking ahead is highly recommended. Dine Out Vancouver 2008 runs from January 16 to February 3.

Bon appetit!

Designing Cities for People, Rather than Cars… » Celsias
Sent on the TELUS Mobility network with BlackBerry

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Gaelic Psalm Singing

Gaelic Psalm Singing - Metafilter
From the amazing Metafilter, an American music professor thinks that he has traced the roots of American Gospel music to Scotland, specifically the Hebrides.
MP3 goodness:
Psalm 133 [mp3]
Psalm 16 5-7 [mp3]
Psalm 16 6-9 [mp3]

Friday, January 11, 2008

AV Club Interviews Anthony Bourdain

Anthony Bourdain interview
An interview with celebrity "bad boy" author and chef, Anthony Bourdain. They talk travel, tv, food, restaurants, and celebrity chef culture.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Stephen Covey on "How to strike a work and life balance"

How to strike a work and life balance
Dr. Stephen Covey, author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, writes about managing time and balancing the demands of work and life, including the downside of multitasking. The solution? Focus on what's truly important, rather than what's "Pressing, Proximate, Pleasant and Popular".

Friday, January 4, 2008

Small Business 101: How to Get Started

Small Business 101: How to Get Started From the New York Times, a quick and simple guide about how to start channeling your entrepreneurial urges, and why it's never been easier to start your own business.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Kottke's Best Links of 2007

Best Links of 2007 from
One of the best linkers around is Kottke, and here are his favourite links. Thanks for the great work!!
Happy New Year!!

Heat - The invisible ingredient

"The Invisible Ingredient in Every Kitchen"
New York Times article by Harold Mcgee about the rarely considered properties of heat when cooking food.