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Monday, August 6, 2007

Futurist talks about the future of Christianity

Kevin Kelly on the Next 1,000 Years of Christianity
What's your point caller?: Q - Kevin Kelly

I've been a reader of Wired magazine for a few years, and I've come to really respect the work of its founder Kevin Kelly. He is a renowned Futurist, I've written a couple of entries about Kevin Kelly before. I also think his Cool Tools list is just awesome. I recently discovered that Kevin is a Christian, and I did a little more research.

Today's links are notes from a talk that Kevin Kelly gave at a Fermi Conference. He did his futurist thing on possible futures for the Christian church over the next 1,000 years, and his findings are pretty novel. A lot has changed in the church in the past 1,000 years, but he states plainly that one thousand years is only 13 generations. Even predicting half a generation ahead produces some surprising results, and he predicts that by 2040, 30% of all Christians will be from China and the world population will be shrinking.

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