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Saturday, July 21, 2007

SI Writers write about "The Best Game I've Ever Seen"

Sports Illustrated writers' "Best Game I've Ever Seen"

Sports Illustrated pulls off a great concept by asking all their writers to write about the "Best Game I've Ever Seen".

There are lots of entries, and a huge range of sports are covered. Of course, since there are sports writers at all of the major sporting events, all the most recent Greatest Sports Events are covered, like the 1987 Canada Cup hockey tournament, Buster Douglas over Mike Tyson in 1990, Tiger's first title in 1996, one of Michael Jordan's most famous playoff victories and Flutie's Hail Mary victory in 1984. For me, it's often the more obscure sports that make for the most interesting reads, such as Italy's Palio horse race, an Olympic tennis match in Athens, Olympic heavyweight boxing trials, 1995 cross-town rivalry in college hockey, and an NCAA college wrestling tournament.

The concept works, as the writers pour out their passion onto the page, and explain what makes the most famous, and not so famous, sports events so important to their lives and their careers.

Today's Link source: Linkjockey Tumblr

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