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Monday, April 16, 2007

What's the deal with Yahoo! Pipes?

YouTunes: An Example Yahoo! Pipe

There are lots of nooks and crannies on the internet powerhouse, Yahoo. Their latest invention, Yahoo Pipes, is getting a lot of attention. Essentially, it lets you mash-up web-based RSS feeds (from Flickr, blogs, news sites, podcasts, Twitter, Linkjockey, YouTube, etc), and blend them, filter them, remix them, and have them cross-reference each other.

Today's link is the one that really showed me what Yahoo Pipes are all about. Nick Bradbury created a simple pipe (RSS feed) that took the Top 10 from the iTunes store, and got the music videos for them from YouTube.

There are some great write-ups about it that go into more detail, like the introduction from Tom Johnson, the one from Australia's Computerworld about how to build your own Pipe, and the Pipes Tutorial from zdnet.

I'm hoping to have a few to show off over the next week.

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