Chris' Linkjockey blog links to unique, fantastic sites on the web that you haven't seen before.

Monday, March 5, 2007

The Best Budget Travel Resources

Contrarian Travel Resources

Do you want to have some amazing international traveling experiences, at prices that you can actually afford?

Tim Leffel is a travel writer that has published some great books about budget travel. His schtick is that he's not into the usual "travel porn" that passes as travel journalism. He isn't swayed by the massive budgets and packaged travel. The best deals and the best experiences are often had by people that travel independently, and are flexible about their travel choices.

Today's link is the updated link page that he maintains for his most recent book, The Contrarian Traveller.

So, why is the site so great? Tim knows where to really find the best sites for last minute travel deals, the best magazines and websites for real travellers, and great, affordable restuarants, while avoiding all the massive PR Hype machine surrounding the travel industry.

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