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Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Free digital Page-A-Day calendar subscription

Page-A-Day Calendars Fun Stuff - Quiz

Page-A-Day publishes those tear-away calendars with odd bits of trivia for every day of the year. Answer the Quiz question on this page, and you can sign up for the free digital version of their calendars.

Sure most of them are just bits of meaningless trivia, but there are some that are more interesting and "sophisticated" than their horrible joke-of-the-day. So pick one of their excellent calendars!
My picks are the song download of the day, Bible verses, and the literature, beer, wine and travel profiles.

Hmmm... it's kind of like a commercial version of Linkjockey. I post a random link every day; they email you something random everyday. There's something really cool about having something new drop into your life everyday.

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