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Sunday, March 11, 2007

How to feed free food to 10,000 people a day

Lunch at the Langar: Exploring a Free Kitchen in Delhi

Writing for Worldchanging, Sarah Rich went to New Dehli for a conference and visited the Gurdwara Bangla Sahib kitchen, at a Sikh temple,
which serves meals to around 10,000 people every single day, for free. Although I've never visited one, apparently every Sikh temple has a "free kitchen", called a Langar. This one is funded by wealthier members of the community and through small donations at the temple.

Worldchanging is a leading environmental website, with many great articles and solutions.

As someone who has cooked for hundreds, it boggles my mind to think of an operation cooking for that many people every day. What an amazing ministry!!

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